About Us

A little about us.

We created Bricks on Division to invoke an open discussion among our readers. Most if not all of the content you will read and see on this site is meant to get you thinking and interacting. It is meant to spur conversation not only with us through commentary but also with the people around you. Bricks are a foundation and we hope to make this blog a foundation for thought.

The site’s name comes from the street Mike grew up on and the row of bricks that stood in front of the building. Everyone on the block sat on those bricks and had open discussions about politics, neighborhood gossip (most times a little too much of this), what our favorite sports teams did that day and current events in general. We hope to continue that back and forth.

So come in, chill with us and lets chop it up while we sit on the Bricks on Division!

Mike & Mari!

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