The Goon Wannabe

Let me first start this by saying I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM a goon or a thug. I am a pretty boy. Never really looked for trouble, and if I ever did find any trouble it was 99.9% because of a female (which to those who know me would say “yes, obviously”)…

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The New Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving Traditions As a child of the 70s, 80s and maybe even in the 90s, holidays were revered. Stores weren’t open on Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter. Those were the times when you saw family you hadn’t seen all year. It was a time when you spent days preparing menus and a whole day cooking to…

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To Turn Up or Not to Turn Up!

Most of us have an Instagram (IG) account, and we use it to express ourselves. We post funny memes, pics of family, pets, places we’ve traveled to, words of inspiration, etc. IG opens our lives to the public to a certain degree. Public meaning whomever you choose to allow access to your photos unless your…

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